Case study

Launched 11 beer brands via platforming for SABMiller

Launched 11 beer brands via platforming for SABMiller


Food and Beverages


London, England, UK



Drupal Multisite Platform - for rapid website rollouts and consistent digital experiences across multiple brand sites


Technical Consultancy

Drupal Development

UX & UI Design

Quality Assurance

SABMiller is a multinational and the world's second-largest brewer in revenues, headquartered in London.

They sought our expertise to harness the power of Drupal as a multisite platform for their brand websites. In our long-standing partnership with SABMiller, we have successfully executed 11 projects including 7 brand and CSR Drupal websites.

Our comprehensive services encompass content migration, UI/UX design, project management, technical guidance, quality assurance, and user training for these websites.

Live website
SABMiller Barteder
Cheers under clouds
Creating cocktails
grop having fun
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The challenges

The main challenge was to create and deliver cohesive yet personalized user experiences across multiple brand websites. Drupal development had to be tailored for specific brand rollouts, and some sites required UI/UX design revamp.

We also had to plan and migrate content from various data sources and apps to the new platform ensuring data integrity. Regional stakeholders and managers required comprehensive CMS training to independently manage projects and websites on the platform.

The approach

To spearhead website rollouts, we first conducted extensive workshops with stakeholders to deeply understand their needs and ideas. After compiling their diverse requirements into organized user stories, we held focused grooming sprints where our team and stakeholders aligned on project details.

With the stakeholder's input, our QA experts carefully defined website acceptance criteria. We leveraged our proven Drupal starter kit to efficiently finalize technical approaches during sprints and set up execution.

The solution

SABMiller Case Study Mockups

Drupal & Acquia Site Factory

Leveraging the Acquia Site Factory we transformed overlapping functionality between brand websites into reusable, configurable modules. We configured generic modules and incorporated brand-specific customizations to develop Drupal frontend components that would capture the unique identity of each brand.

Migration and development

With a Drupal starter kit, we eliminated the need to repeatedly model content, install base modules, and configure features for each brand site. Launching a new brand website simply required the dev team to spin up a new site from Acquia Site Factory, resulting in a functional base website with pre-enabled features and content entities, ready for customization.

We migrated the content of all brand sites using the Migrate framework into the Drupal platform. With a mobile-first approach, we ensured that all brand sites rendered seamlessly across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices


To foster ongoing reusability and streamline future development, we packaged any new features created during the development of specific brand websites into Drupal modules.

These modules were equipped with the necessary configurations and merged back into the starter kit, making them accessible for reuse across other websites within SABMiller's portfolio.

SABMiller Portfolio


We meticulously documented the Drupal starter kit's architectural decisions, including module configurations, to ensure seamless understanding and future maintenance by the SABMiller team.

This comprehensive documentation included user guides and CMS guides to assist their team in managing their websites without relying on external assistance.

UI/UX design for Radegast

The Radegast website, a Czech beer brand of SABMiller, was one of the projects we undertook. When modernizing the brand website, we initially planned a direct migration from their outdated platform.

After consulting their marketing manager, it became clear a full redesign was required to connect with the site’s younger demographic.

Through discovery workshops, we used a strategic approach to overhaul the information architecture using flat, modern UI elements that aligned with their brand guidelines.

With stakeholder collaboration, our design experts delivered a website facelift with illustrated visuals and engaging UI that was tailored for Radegast's target audience. This refreshed website provided a solid foundation for the brand's digital presence.

UI/UX design for Radegast

The outcome

By implementing our scalable Drupal platform, SABMiller was able to streamline digital product management and seamlessly manage multiple brands and multiple sites. The flexible multisite architecture enabled rapid rollouts meeting each brand's unique needs.

Their content teams can effortlessly create and update content independently without complete dependency on the development team. SABMiller can deliver consistent and personalized digital experiences across all their brand sites.

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