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We are going to DrupalCon New Orleans!

We are going to DrupalCon New Orleans!
Table of contents

With around 767 submissions from around the globe DrupalCon New Orleans must have set a new record for an all time high for session submissions at any conference. We can only imagine the plight of track chairs who helped select final ~150 sessions, given the numbers we are absolutely thrilled to announce that three of our talks (Including one in higher ed summit) have been accepted for Drupalcon New Orleans.

Here is a brief of talks at Drupalcon New Orleans May, 2016.

Service Workers Internals:

Saket and Piyuesh will talk about Service Workers on D8 and the promise of offline web. The topic is a build up from series of BoF at Drupalcon Asia where service workers was discussed passionately and pragmatically. It’s not just frontend, necessary backend infrastructure (route caching, url config) needs to be present for service workers to be a reality, hence Saket and Piyuesh ( our frontend and backend leads ) decided to team up on this. You can read more about the tentative agenda at the session synopsis and here are rumours of what to expect in the demo:

  • Config for urls for offline first approach
  • Config for urls for network first approach & fallback to serviceworker cache
  • Static resource caching via service workers
  • Since D8 has placeholders, it would be wise to cache the response of placeholders & render them using service-workers. Background sync can be used to keep pulling in fresh data for the placeholders.

Exploring Drupal 8 Frontend landscape through Polymer :

Saket is back with a session on the utopia of using Drupal 8 as a backend for multiple front end frameworks; this time it’s through Polymer. Webcomponents have had the frontend community wanting, what’s not to desire? Reusable components, shadow DOM, templating and much more all native to the browser. Though webcomponents paints a beautiful feature, Polymer from Google delivers it as a polyfill for the restless. In this talk Saket will talk about what Drupal 8 frontend programming might look like and glitches we might need to resolve for a smooth future.

Higher-ed Summit

Drupal Campus Ambassador Program - A community Initiative:

A wildcard entry into Dries’s keynote and Holly’s closing-note at Drupalcon Asia,  DCAP made its humble beginnings in one of India’s regional events, where business folks were trying to find answers to Drupal talent problems. In spirit of Drupal community’s do-ocracy some of the community members figured a WIN-WIN solution for the problem, that is to take Drupal to colleges and evangelise it professionally. There have been numerous college workshops but DCAP is different in ways that it provides longevity and support to college students and that is exactly what Rakhi will be sharing at Higher-ed summit -- a bit of the history, successes so far and brave new world Drupal will foray into through DCAP. Catch Rakhi in action on May 9 at DrupalCon New Orleans.

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